Selasa, 08 September 2015


“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”-          Dalai Lama XIV (Buddhism)

So there are so many quotes about peace. So many people’s explanation and analysis about peace. And I choose this one because that’s what i think about peace.
There are so many quotes that state peace is all about lack of war, lack of fighting, racism, discrimination, etc. and everyone loved each other. I think this peace will never achieved, I think that is too much and nearly impossible to stop someone from hating.
Why? Because basically, humans are an aggressive creature that love violence. People want to be respected, they want power, they want to be loved. And humans are born to love and hate. Humans have mood. Humans have anger. AND humans born with a various character.
Now imagine, if there is someone who want to be respected first, he doesn’t want to respect anyone before they respect him, and of course many people will hate him, and others  will let him be like that because it seems “normal”,  or maybe there are some people that agree with his attitude, we may never know. Then people will start argue about this, and then they will hate each other too.
Now imagine if he meet someone like him, they both want to be respected first, and they’ll end up hating each other. And now imagine, there are 7 billion people in this earth, many of them could be this selfish guy. And boom! There will be a lot of hate all around the world.
This is only one case, there are so many other cases that will cause people hate each others such as racism, religion, or maybe arguing about which is the best pets : Cats or dogs. Believe me, I’ve seen someone fighting over that silly thing. I mean, really? How can we love each others if we fight over that kind of thing?

Oh well, I’ve been talking about hate like I don’t believe in peace. Well I do, I want peace. But I think forcing people to make peace is not the right way. Because I think that is the problem!!
Many people think that peace is something that people can give to others. They demand peace from government or from others people. People want peace like they want respect. They ask for peace while doing some violence.

 Peace is a condition! Peace is a state of mind! Peace is how your heart and brain feel. Peace is : 

freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility” –oxford dictionary.
We make peace from ourselves, we make it for ourselves. Peace is achieved, not given. And peace can achieved by understanding.
SO, if a people try to understanding themselves, he will achieve his own peace. Then he can start to understand the others, and letting the others to understand themselves. That is peace. It’s our feeling, we make it ourselves, not asking the others.
So the conclusion from my analysis is, we will never achieve world peace or something like that, because there are so many people with so many character and point of view over everything. But, we can make a peace for ourselves, by understanding ourselves and others.
"Peace cannot be kept by force - it can only be achieved by understanding"- Albert Einstein

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